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ebook packages

1) 28 eBooks at very special price at your fingertips... The entire package above has a combined retail value of a staggering price of $1002.52. But I sell the whole lot for a fraction of the cost. In fact I sell it for just $40!

That’s right…..I sell this entire package worth over $1000 for only $40.

2) The Forex package

3) The Complete Leadership Package

4) The Complete Motivation Package


posted by inlink5 @ 12:48 AM, ,

Negotiate to Win

Negotiate to Win
The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating
by Jim Thomas

List Price: $22.95
Our Price: $ 6.00 US

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Negotiation is one skill everyone needs in order to get more of what they want—to sell more, to keep costs down, to manage better, to strengthen relationships—to win! In this book, Thomas explains that the American way of logic and reasoning is persuasion, not negotiation, and you can persuade until you're blue in the face and still get nowhere.

Thomas shows you exactly how the best negotiators reach long–lasting positive solutions that build profits, performance, and relationships.

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posted by inlink5 @ 12:07 AM, ,

Handbook of Management and Leadership

The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

This text brings together Adair's management theories and practices, addressing such key areas as: setting and achieving goals and objectives; decision making and problem solving; and leadership and team building. A checklist of key management principles is included.

Retail Price $50US.
Our price $ 12 US.

Click HERE to download sample.

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posted by inlink5 @ 11:46 PM, ,

The Bible on Leadership

From Moses to Matthew—Management Lessons for Contemporary Leaders
By Lorin Woolfe

Retail Price $16.50 US.
Our Price at $8 US.

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Moses on vision.
John the Baptist on communication skills.
Queen Esther on political know-how.
Great leaders from the Bible have powerful lessons to teach today’s business leaders.

Millions have been inspired by the Bible’s spiritual lessons. Now, Lorin Woolfe provides a unique way to view the Bible . . . for leadership lessons that can be applied to our modern business world.

Consider David’s courage and innovation in slaying Goliath with just a stone and a sling; Moses’ outstanding "succession planning" in picking Joshua; Joseph and the political skills that brought him to the seat of power; and of course, Jesus’ compassion, communication skills, and vision that launched Christianity (a long-term success by any measure).

These are leaders among leaders. Their achievements—and their inspired methods of achievement—offer a wholly different perspective on business leadership.

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posted by inlink5 @ 11:33 PM, ,

Becoming a Strategic Leader

Your Role in Your Organization's Enduring Success

By Richard L. Hughes, Katherine M. Beatty

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Retail Price : $ 32 US
Our Price : $ 12 US

Strategic Leadership Is Your Responsibility

Have you noticed how it seems more difficult to get work done inorganizations today? Do you need to interact with more and morepeople inside and outside your organization in order to be success-ful? Garnering resources for a project, for example, now often re-quires conversations and coordination among parties that did nothave to interact before. In general, work has become more complexand more interdependent in most organizations.

How did this happen? It is the result of many factors that areprobably familiar to you.

The authors show how individual managers can exercise effective strategic leadership through their distinctive and systemic approach—thinking, acting, and influencing.

Download sample HERE.

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posted by inlink5 @ 11:23 PM, ,

How to Talk So People Will Listen

- the real key to job success
by Sonya Hamlin

Price $5 US Buy now !!


" This book is about getting what you want at work. I want to help you understand what happens in a variety of work situations when you try to express yourself, and to help you develop the new techniques you need for being clear and getting the responses you want.We'll approach communicating as a complete process involving not only all of what you're about but what other people need from you to listen. In each aspect of your work-communication we will:

• Focus on another dimension: the unfamiliar one of finding out whatelse you really want and need before you plan your strategy.
• Understand the hidden and predictable agendas on the other sideof the desk: what does the other person—the one you're communicatingwith—want and need?
• Gain information about issues common to all of us: what usually getsin the way as we interact at work: why effective communicating is oftenso hard to do.
• Absorb some basic principles of communicating and why they work,in order for you to be most effective.



posted by inlink5 @ 10:55 PM, ,

Develop Your Leadership Skills

By John Adair

Retail at $ 18 US
Our Price $ 9US.

Leadership skills have now been universally recognised as a key ingredient –some would say the key ingredient –in management. A good manager is now by definition a leader. Equally, a good leader will also be a manager.

But how do you become such a leader? Is it possible to develop your own abilities as a leader? Let John answer that last question with a resounding YES. As for the first question, this wholebook is John's answer. It is a simple practical guide for anyone who is about to take up a team leadership role in any organisation. But John hope that it will be equally useful for those already in such roles who wish to improve their basic leadership skills.If leadership matters to you, this book will give you a complete framework for becoming an effective leader.

One word of caution: nobody can teach you leadership. It is something you have to learn ....... download sample.

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posted by inlink5 @ 10:41 PM, ,

10 Minute Guide To Leadership

By Liz O'leary

Retail Price : $26.49 US
Our price : $ 11 US

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This book offers a practical, efficient discussion of manipulation, power, micro-management, and personal dynamism Includes helpful checklists.

Good leaders recognize that they do not have all the answers and are constantly reeducating themselves on their businesses and sharpening their leadership skills.

The later lessons of the book concentrate on some of the unique workplace challenges. For instance, Lesson 10, "Avoiding Microman-agement," focuses on the bane of the Dilbertized workplace—the micromanager.
Lessons 14, "Women in Leadership," and 15 , "Young or Minority Leaders," focus on women and minorities in positions of leadership and the special challenges each faces.

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posted by inlink5 @ 10:30 PM, ,


By Jack Welch

Retail at $27.95 US
Our price $ 11 US

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Have you often wondered how people who become CEOs do so? Do they have magic mantra that seems to make top people keep promoting them?

The book gives a look into the minds of senior managers: what characteristics do they look for when promoting someone, how do they identify such people, how these people are tested (usually without the person’s knowledge) etc

A book for CEOs on how to manage large corporations. If you're into that sort of's a quick read.

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posted by inlink5 @ 12:41 AM, ,

29 Leadership secrets

by Jack Welch.
Retail Price : $9.95 US
Our Price : $ 5 US
Click Here To Buy

It taps into the heart of Welch’s courage, innovation, and leadership success by examining simple leadership secrets that include:

1)Managing less is managing better
2)Make quality the job of every employee
3)Have global brains and vision
Jack Welch built a career out of fighting waste. 29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch follows in Welch’s footsteps, boiling the legendary CEO’s leadership successes down to 29 strategies that made GE the world’s most competitive company­­and Welch the world's most successful and admired CEO.
Click HERE for sample .....

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posted by inlink5 @ 12:29 AM, ,

The Motivation Pocketbook

by Max Eggert

Retail at $6.99US.
Our price only $4 US

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Motivation is rather like a jellyfish. Everyone knows what it is but it is difficult to describe or define.

Here, you can examines the many different theories of motivation, drawing out the key points and offering management tips for each one.

In an absolute sense motivation per se does not exist--it can only be inferred by looking at behaviour, quantifying changes in behaviour or by inviting individuals to talk about their needs or goals and why they do what they do.

Behaviour can be prompted by a whole host of things and the same motivational drives can produce all sorts of different behaviours. So you need to do more than just look at changes in behaviour or performance to understand motivation.

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posted by inlink5 @ 12:13 AM, ,